People sometimes ask me, «OK Perkel, what makes you a sex expert?

People sometimes ask me, «OK Perkel, what makes you a sex expert?

» Part of it is experience and part because I’m a nerd. I ask a lot of questions and I study and observe. As I write this book, all the concepts will be reviewed by several women, some of which are «experts» in their field. I have the ability to write clearly and explain things in detail. I am a middle age overweight nerd. If I can be an impressive lover, you can too. And the only difference between me and you is that I know how to and you’re about to learn it.

Using this Web Page

I give permission and encourage the distribution of the information contained in this page. You can reprint it if you are an escort service and pass it out to your clients. Give a copy to every new client on the first visit. Or you can pass it out in bars with your phone number on it so that you clients will have a handbook on how to do it right. This way clients will know more about how to use these services and will be better clients. They will have a better time and the escort will have a better time and use your services more often.

However, if you’re an escort service and pass this out you have to let me know and if I’m ever in your town, I get one escort free. If I never show up it costs you nothing. But if I show up, that’s my price. One on the house.

This information can be used in your articles about escort services and prostitution as long as you credit the source.

Other Interesting Links

  • Prostitutes Education Network – Carol Leigh’s great web site on Prostitution Resources
  • COYOTE, San Francisco – Call off your old tired ethics.
  • Coalition to Decriminalize Prostitution – Is your sex life the government’s business? Hell No!
  • Whore Activist Network – Whores standing up for their rights.
  • Sacred Sex – Cat Yronwode’s writings on Karezza, Tantra, and Sex Magic
  • The Happy Hooker – Xaviera Hollander’s Web Site.

Like any other profession most of the women who work as escorts enjoy their work. Although the situation varies from individual to individual – and from client to client – there are a lot of women who do this because they really like the sex. But some customers are better than others and this article will help instruct you in how to be a good customer who escort look forward to being with. And you don’t have to be great looking or in good shape to please an escort. All you have to do is know how to treat a woman right. Hopefully you will learn from this web page exactly how to do that.

To have sex when you want it, with whom you want it, and where you want it is well worth paying for. It’s just like ordering pizza delivered. You’re paying extra for convenience and service.

Usually the agency will describe the age, hair color, measurements, and weight of the escorts. If that’s all you want to know, this may be enough description for you. But I encourage you to ask for what you want in some detail. You may be looking for a personality type, for instance, or someone with a specific ethnic background. In my case, I like women who like their work; I like them really horny — and that’s what I ask for. Some escort services won’t give you that kind of information over the phone — or the person working the phones may not know much about the personalities of the women. If you’re interested in anything unusual, like anal, bondage, costumes, or whatever, you should say what you’re interested in. The agency might recommend someone who specializes in your interest. You might want to call several services, so that you can find the agency that will make it their business to supply you with the experience you desire.

Communicating by Email

NOTE: For escorts reading this or women who are interested in becoming escorts – I wrote an article about how to become an escort using personal ads called The Shy Girl’s Guide to Becoming a Whore. This is a step by step guide for women who want to explore that aspect of their sexuality. Many women have told me that they have always wanted the experience of being a whore. This is how you can do it without having to actually take a job in the profession. Many women have written me about this and have tried it once just for the experience. Its can be something that’s very empowing and creates sexual confidence.

If the escort is more than half an hour late, call the agency to check on her status. They might say that she’s on her way and tell you when she will get there, but sometimes they will have to page her again. Many times agencies promise that the escort will arrive at a time that isn’t realistic. Sometimes the escort just doesn’t call in and they have to get someone else. I get really frustrated when an agency fails to deliver, but sometimes you have to stay on them to get someone to actually show up. You might have to try several services before you find one that is consistently reliable.

After she’s been paid, she will usually have to call the agency and let them know she has arrived, been paid, and that everything is fine so they can start the clock running. (When your time is up, the agency will call you back if she hasn’t called in first.) After she gets off the phone, she’s all yours.

You want to be sensitive to what she wants. Some women don’t like you to put your finger in them. Others just love it. If she says don’t do something, don’t do it. Most escorts don’t do anal sex, so if that’s what you want, you should say so when you call and get an escort that will do it. Also, kissing on the mouth is generally a no-no, so don’t even try without asking first.


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