Pakistani females break dating taboos on Tinder. Pakistan: training sex equality in a society that is patriarchal

Pakistani females break dating taboos on Tinder. Pakistan: training sex equality in a society that is patriarchal how to delete your wellhello account

Casual dating for females is oftentimes frowned upon in Pakistan’s male-dominated culture. Nonetheless, dating apps such as for example Tinder are challenging norms and permitting ladies to simply take more control of their sexuality.

Faiqa is an entrepreneur that is 32-year-old Islamabad, and, like numerous young solitary ladies across the world, she makes use of dating apps for connecting with guys.

Although casual dating for women continues to be frowned upon in socially conservative and Pakistan that is heavily patriarchal are quickly changing in the united kingdom’s towns. Continuar leyendo «Pakistani females break dating taboos on Tinder. Pakistan: training sex equality in a society that is patriarchal»